Standing by the hill-side gazing over the Cool Culture of Otakuism!

Posts tagged “Gundam Build Fighters Try

Display Booths of PAM16

Continuing from the previous post, today let’s have a closer look at them booths and displays during Penang Anime Matsuri 2016 Magical Summer, without the massive crowd in between. XDc


Gundam seem to have taken a centre stage this year, with a fully poseable 1/12 RX-78 Gundam and a statue of Build Burning Gundam displayed at either end of the centre stairs of the main hall.


Going Apes in This Lunatic Season

The Goat went by, and the Monkey arrived to bring a prosperous new year ahead!

Once again, it’s the dawn of a new lunar year, the annual festive season bringing along lots of reds decorations, Mandarin oranges, God of Prosperity, lion dances, fireworks, Ang Pows (Red Packets), visiting relatives and friends that ask you the same question every year… Oh well you know the rest… :P


Even the Petit’gguys are in the mood to start their own celebrations of showering in golds and plum flowers… XDc


The L.E.D. of the Unicorn

After half a year’s worth of patient waiting, the much-anticipated L.E.D. Unit finally made its landfall.

Originally supposed to be collected together with the Perfect Grade back in January, the L.E.D. Unit was a no-show due to cut-stock from the source, had no choice but to wait for the eventual restocking back in late May.


Packaged in a rather extravagant box, the exterior art featured an image of Unicorn Gundam’s Psycho Frame emitting its reddish pink particles in the dark, as well as a single image of the L.E.D. glowing.

The whole box itself covers in a type of chrome foil material, making the whole thing feels more reflective and kinda more… “expensive”. ^^;


So Petit, Yet Bearly a Gunpla

Originally released together with Mama’gguy in Beargguy F as a set, the Petit’gguy’s small frame emits an unbearable aura of cuteness, most certainly in bid on attracting (Or as many veteran Gunota put it, cashing-in…) more female Gunpla builders to the hobby.

Seen in the anime (Gundam Build Fighters Try)’s ED sequence, the four Petit’gguys in different colour variations finally made their Gunpla début, in separate releases no less!


The colour variations are obviously a representation of the main characters in the anime itself: Winning Yellow for Hoshino Fumina, Lightning Blue for Kousaka Yuuma, Burning Red for Kamiki Sekai and Future Pink for Kamiki Mirai.


Gundam of AFA14

Bandai spent no minor expense erecting this gigantic display booth all for its flagship Gundam series. 


It also served as sort of monument to commemorate Gundam’s 35th annivesary.
