Standing by the hill-side gazing over the Cool Culture of Otakuism!

Posts tagged “Detective Conan

Stage and Guests of PAM16

Moving into the Auditorium of Dewan Sri Pinang where it has a stage filled with seats for its audience, this is where all the guests of Penang Anime Matsuri 2016 Magical Summer performed their interviews and appearances…


It is also the coolest place of the venue thanks to its flow of air conditioning, thus making this a major resting place for many visitors during the course of the two-day event as anywhere else (Especially the main hall) were very humid and sweat-encouraging…


Display Booths of PAM16

Continuing from the previous post, today let’s have a closer look at them booths and displays during Penang Anime Matsuri 2016 Magical Summer, without the massive crowd in between. XDc


Gundam seem to have taken a centre stage this year, with a fully poseable 1/12 RX-78 Gundam and a statue of Build Burning Gundam displayed at either end of the centre stairs of the main hall.
