Standing by the hill-side gazing over the Cool Culture of Otakuism!

Posts tagged “Dollfie Dream Sister

Display Booths of PAM16

Continuing from the previous post, today let’s have a closer look at them booths and displays during Penang Anime Matsuri 2016 Magical Summer, without the massive crowd in between. XDc


Gundam seem to have taken a centre stage this year, with a fully poseable 1/12 RX-78 Gundam and a statue of Build Burning Gundam displayed at either end of the centre stairs of the main hall.


Jointed Children: Attack on Daughters

Continuing from earlier post on my experience in Comic Fiesta 2013, this time let’s have a brief view on the wonderful girls and boys of the doll variety.

There are a number of them turning up during the event, many tagged along with their visiting parents.


Of course Tama-chan paid a visit to the halls too, although only for Day 01.

She stayed back to guard our hotel room for the next day due to severe fatigue.   


Cultural Night After AFA13

Anime Festival Asia 2013 maybe over, but there’s still a social assembly left to attend on the day after… the usual Post AFA gathering of Culture Japan Night.


Held at the Kallang Theatre near the Stadium MRT station identical to last year, it was more of a Culture Japan Noon as the event started at roughly 1500 hours until 2000 hours of the day.


Dolls of CJC13

As a follow-up to yesterday’s gallery of them various figure displays in Culture Japan Convention, I’ve mentioned about figures owners sharing the display booth with us doll owners of musume of any genre and sizes, no?

Furthermore, the space is titled Dolls and Figures Booth… XDc Therefore, let’s have a look at them lovelies gracing the event!


For stage events and commercial booths and shenanigans, please refer to the post-con report posted a couple of nights ago…  :3c

While limited in numbers, dolls do take up a large portion of the display space (Usually 60 cm in height) when compared to your average scaled figures and such (Except Three-A’s Metal Gear REX. That behemoth is enormous!).


AFA12の娘達: 藤原雪野の冒険と友達!!

In memories of a certain Dollfie Dream… Not! XDc

Many thanks to Yukino-chan’s papa, Tama-chan was invited to one of the biggest gathering of all her kind she’d ever experienced.
