Standing by the hill-side gazing over the Cool Culture of Otakuism!

Posts tagged “Canon

Display Booths of PAM16

Continuing from the previous post, today let’s have a closer look at them booths and displays during Penang Anime Matsuri 2016 Magical Summer, without the massive crowd in between. XDc


Gundam seem to have taken a centre stage this year, with a fully poseable 1/12 RX-78 Gundam and a statue of Build Burning Gundam displayed at either end of the centre stairs of the main hall.


Displays @ AFA15

Continuing on from previous post focused upon Anime Festival Asia 2015, let’s feast our eyes upon various visually stunning displays at various booths all around the exhibition halls.


Do note that the following piccies are not as neatly arranged as the previous post, and may ended up randomly placed outta similar groups (Same anime/same booth)…  XDc


Welcome to AFA15!

It’s been a full week after the chaos that is Anime Festival Asia 2015, finally my trimming and processing of the event photos are at its end, with them taking two full nights to fully upload to my Flickr profile…

First observation: AFA15 is seemingly tight on budget this year, the lack of promotional items around the event halls are prevalent, the spaces between booths are wider (Meaning less exhibitors), and the lack of the awesomeness of the likes of NicoNico Choukaigi similar to last year’s… 

The invited guests this year are rather random too, with the likes of Japanese comedians (Will expand on that on later post…) and more cosplayer guests than usual. Invited seiyuu guests are fewer than two digits, unlike the whopping 17 seiyuu guests last year…


Perhaps the AFA officials are expanding and/or experimenting with subjects other than the usual ACG stuff while gauging the interests of its attendees? 

Weak knees and blisters aside, here are what I’ve managed to document into my lens over the course of my trip, despite enduring physical and mental pain all over my body. XDc


Acquisitions Before AFA14

T-minus 1 day left until the pilgrimage to the South!

I’ve packed stuff here and there for the past few days now, making sure I don’t forget any stuff needed for the trip.  


Anyway, received this fragile box from the postal station this morning. Collected the consignment myself since I cannot rely on the Postal Dude to deliver it to me in time. >,<

Just look at how excited Tama-chan is! 
