Standing by the hill-side gazing over the Cool Culture of Otakuism!

Posts tagged “Aldnoah Zero

Display Booths of PAM16

Continuing from the previous post, today let’s have a closer look at them booths and displays during Penang Anime Matsuri 2016 Magical Summer, without the massive crowd in between. XDc


Gundam seem to have taken a centre stage this year, with a fully poseable 1/12 RX-78 Gundam and a statue of Build Burning Gundam displayed at either end of the centre stairs of the main hall.


Displays of PAM15

After a general view on the event itself, we’ll have a look at various displays that scattered all over the exhibition halls…

Unlike Anime Festival Asia or many of the localised fan events (COSPAR, MOEPA, etc…), figure displays are pretty much non-existent here in Penang Anime Matsuri Summer Party 2015.


That said, a few commercial booths and the doujin circles in Creator’s Market personally set up their very own displays or sort. 


Matsuri of PAM15

Uwaa, only 5 days after the end of Penang Anime Matsuri Summer Party 2015 last weekend (On and off), that I’ve managed to post-process all my piccies taken during the event itself… orz Finally I can start my after-event report… :P 

PAM15 is perhaps the 1st (Or the 2nd if you count Culture Japan Con a couple of years back being the 1st instead) ever larger ACG event of the Northern region of the country, with full collaboration/support from the Penang state government itself.


Anyway, with my trusted steel steed, I head to the venue a couple of hours earlier before the opening hours to beat the traffic as well as finding a good parking bay.

Even as I stepped into the area, I’ve noticed a large group of comrades already gathered around the ticketing booth to get themselves the entry pass. Much dedication! XDc


Event Guide of PAM15

Less than two days left until the Penang Anime Matsuri Summer Party 2015…


I can feel the wkwk-ness of those eager to attend and join in the fun that is the largest (Hopefully) ACG event of the country’s Northern region.  


Stage Schedule and Matsuri Experience of PAM15

T-minus 8 days left until the Penang Anime Matsuri Summer Party 2015, the official schedule for the Stage events within Dewan Sri Pinang has finally been unveiled. 

Will most likely stalk all the workshops of them cosplay guests for a chance to take some two-shots with Tama-chan…


I wonder if meet-and-greet sessions are included? Apparently the meet and greet schedule will be decided soon… =w=

BTW, do note that the indoor stage is only accessible to those who have the Exhibition + Stage ticket.  
