Standing by the hill-side gazing over the Cool Culture of Otakuism!

Astray Pink Frame ver. Gunpla

As my first and perhaps the only time, this particular Gunpla modding project was started about three weeks ago, using Gundam Colour Markers as my main source of painting…  Unfortunately, my amateurish painting ability doesn’t do the Mobile Suit justice, thus I resort to order a trio of spray can which I think necessary in my quest to realise my dream of a custom painted Astray… :3

Unfortunately, due to some sort of regulations, the spray cans I ordered from HLJ cannot be shipped to my island, leaving me can-less for about two weeks… >,< HLJ sure took their sweet time to tell me of the bad news… ^^;

As last resort, I turned to a local art supply store to acquire domestic aerosol sprays cans, which luckily works on the PVC and ABS materials of Gunpla… I was quite worried of the possibility of the liquid from the spray cans might melt my Gunpla… ^^;

I got a trio of them: Pink, Sparkling Red and Tranparent…

Running at three times my normal speed, I managed to finish spray-coating my customised Mobile Suit in a trio of days since Friday night…  :D

Behold the glory of Astray Pink Frame, the guardian and mascot of the Republic of Neo Pro Lacus! :D

A thorough look at the Pink Frame from various angles…

Custom paint job aside, I did a few minor changes upon the base kit which is a 1/100 Astray Red Frame… The first being the signature hairpin of Lacus Clyne… XD

I got the pin from one of my Lacus trading figure, mutilating the hair it attached onto and stick it onto the Mobile Suit’s head using UHU Super Glue. Works perfectly! :3

Kawaii~! XD

I love Red Frame’s exposed back enough that I decided to remove its back pack entirely, a few adjustments here and there and finally fixing the Beam Sabre holders onto the back of the waist…

Some parts had to be cut to give room for the holder units… 0_0

Astray’s original hand units has been replaced with Master Grade Strike Rouge’s, allowing better articulations at the finger joints…

Due to the inclusion of the holder units behind the waist, Pink Frame’s abdomen had to be place at a slight angle from now on, eliminating the articulated point at that place permanently… >,<

Some area has been cleared at the hips joints, allowing wider range of movements… Splitting legs is now possible… ^_^

FYI, all those clear stickers on Pink Frame are procured by salvaging leftovers from various plamo kits, including PG Red Frame and VF-25F Messiah Valkyrie…

Various action poses are posted below… High kick ala the upcoming MG Blue Frame 2nd Revise! =D

Déjà vu!

Actions posing using the Combat Pump Action Shotgun and Magnum Pistol borrowed from my Patlabor plamo… :3

Persona~! =3

Being my virgin plamo modding, I’ll enter this kit in the AFA09 Bandai World Gunpla Competition under the Coolest Freestyle Gunpla category just for fun… X3

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